Solar solutions for you
Solar energy plays an important role in our future – and our present! More and more people across the country – and especially here in the Sunshine State – are looking for renewable energy choices. About 14 percent (and growing!) of Tampa Electric’s energy mix comes from the sun, up from zero in 2013.
We know solar energy can help homeowners and businesses meet part of their energy needs too. If you’re wondering if it’s right for you, what options are available, or how to get started, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s explore!

Sun Select
Rooftop solar not an option? Purchase community solar at a level that’s right for you.

Check Out Our Solar Blogs

Integrated Renewable Energy Systems - A Benefit to Your Business and The Environment
Tampa Electric’s Integrated Renewable Energy System (IRES) has completed the first year of its three-year pilot program....
Beware of “no-cost solar” scam!
Tampa Electric has become aware of a new scam being perpetrated against our customers. This scam includes the suspicious letter pictured here that appears to have our logo on it and a pitch for “no-cost solar....”
Show Your Appreciation for the Sun
The sun is something we all can appreciate. It’s scientifically proven that the sun heats the planet, makes plants grow, keeps us healthy (vitamin D), gives us energy and cheers us up....