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Healthy air is your business

Healthy air is your business

January 11, 2022

If you’re a business owner, you may be concerned about indoor air quality and prioritizing the health of your employees and clients....

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Massive plan for Tampa Electric’s cleaner-energy future brings partners together

Massive plan for Tampa Electric’s cleaner-energy future brings partners together

November 16, 2021

Atop the Tampa Convention Center under the brilliant morning sun on Nov. 8, Tampa ...

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We’re capturing the sun in new ways at The Florida Aquarium

We’re capturing the sun in new ways at The Florida Aquarium

November 12, 2021

The sun and the sea go together like…solar panels and Tesla batteries? At The Florida ...

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Mind Your Business with our Self-Service Portal

Mind Your Business with our Self-Service Portal

November 01, 2021

As a business owner, you know customer experience is the key to success. Like you, we take that knowledge to heart. We strive to serve our customers with clean, reliable, affordable, and always on electricity....

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Bam, it’s a Scam!

Bam, it’s a Scam!

November 01, 2021

Even your business can fall victim to a scam. ... 

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A Day with the Storm Protection Plan team: Burying Overhead Lines Throughout West Central Florida

A Day with the Storm Protection Plan team: Burying Overhead Lines Throughout West Central Florida

October 13, 2021

Whether it’s a love of our beautiful tree canopy or frustration at outages caused by wayward tree limbs, many customers have asked why Tampa Electric doesn’t bury the power lines. Thanks to the Storm Protection Plan, we are...!

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