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Our new Construction Center has convenience built in

Our new Construction Center has convenience built in

July 24, 2023

You spoke and we listened. Welcome to the future at Tampa Electric – convenient self-service options that save time and make it easier to do business with us....

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Saving Green: the Tampa Bay History Center Slashes Energy Bill $50,000 Annually.

Saving Green: the Tampa Bay History Center Slashes Energy Bill $50,000 Annually.

July 20, 2023

Claus Daniel is a curious guy who is passionate about the environment, saving money and being energy efficient....

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Steering into the Future with Electric Vehicles

Steering into the Future with Electric Vehicles

July 19, 2023

In case you haven’t heard, electric vehicles (EVs) are a big deal these days, creating exciting opportunities for Tampa Electric and our customers....

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If You Build It, They Will Come (Home)

If You Build It, They Will Come (Home)

July 14, 2023

Home is where TECO’s heart is – and never more so than when our team members actually build the home with their own hands....

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I see lightning! Now what?

I see lightning! Now what?

July 06, 2023

Whether you’re new to Florida – known as the “Lightning Capital of the U.S.” – or a native, lightning is nothing to be nonchalant about. ...

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Transition Tampa Bay Prepares Military Personnel for the Civilian World

Transition Tampa Bay Prepares Military Personnel for the Civilian World

June 26, 2023

The TECO Veterans Alliance (TVA) Employee Resource Group continues to find ways to support past and present military personnel across the Tampa Bay community....

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