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Weather & Safety

Every step matters: March is ladder safety month

Every step matters: March is ladder safety month

March 17, 2022

Falls from ladders — step, straight, combination, and extension — account for 20 percent of fatal injuries...

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Tips and reminders to help you stay scam aware

Tips and reminders to help you stay scam aware

February 18, 2022

It can happen to anyone, at any time, in any way. Someone calls or knocks on your door — impersonating a Tampa Electric representative and tells you that your electric bill is past due...

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Bam, it’s a Scam!

Bam, it’s a Scam!

November 01, 2021

Even your business can fall victim to a scam. ... 

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A Day with the Storm Protection Plan team: Burying Overhead Lines Throughout West Central Florida

A Day with the Storm Protection Plan team: Burying Overhead Lines Throughout West Central Florida

October 13, 2021

Whether it’s a love of our beautiful tree canopy or frustration at outages caused by wayward tree limbs, many customers have asked why Tampa Electric doesn’t bury the power lines. Thanks to the Storm Protection Plan, we are...!

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Stay alert. Scammers know just when to strike.

Stay alert. Scammers know just when to strike.

June 01, 2021

You’re home enjoying time with your family over a three-day weekend and the phone rings… You’re a restaurant...

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Be Aware of Downed Power Lines - and Know How to Respond

Be Aware of Downed Power Lines - and Know How to Respond

September 24, 2020

We at Tampa Electric care about your safety. Tree limbs, weather and vehicle accidents can cause utility lines to fall – and those lines could pose a safety issue....

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