We love our lineworkers!

blog_lineworkerappreciation.jpgImagine a job that requires carrying at least 30 pounds of equipment, wearing fire retardant clothing in the heat of the summer and sometimes traveling far from home to help others when disaster hits. For a lineworker, that’s a typical workday.

Each year we celebrate National Lineworker Appreciation Day – a chance to honor the hard work, innovation and dedication of America’s electrical lineworkers. Tampa Electric is proud to honor our lineworkers who work in challenging conditions to keep our lights on.

“You must be physically and mentally prepared when responding to a job to make it safe for everyone,” shared TJ Williams, a Tampa Electric lineworker for 38 years.

The work is grueling and often unpredictable. Our lineworkers receive frequent safety training and support to help ensure their safety and the safety of the communities we serve.

Sam Bump, a Tampa Electric lineworker for 27 years sums it up: “What it really comes down to is safety and making sure everybody makes it home.”

Please help us thank our lineworkers for the powerful difference they make in our lives! Just comment on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn posts as we highlight TJ, Sam and other team members who light up our community!

Watch the video below to learn more about the lives of the Tampa Electric lineworkers.

April is Lineworker Appreciation Month
